About Leann

As a sole-proprietor, Leann Taagepera provides cultural and historical resource and CEQA/NEPA-related services to both public- and private-sector clients as both a prime consultant and a subconsultant.

She is a cultural resource specialist and environmental planner with over 25 years of experience in California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) environmental analyses and document preparation. She is able to provide small-firm cost and schedule efficiency and responsiveness.

Ms. Taagepera specializes in projects related to historical/cultural resources.

She holds an access agreement with the Northwest Information Center and can perform records searches.

Master of Arts, Cultural Resource Management
Sonoma State University, Rohnert Park (December, 2022)

Master of Urban and Regional Planning, Land Use and Law Specialization
University of California, Irvine (1994)

Bachelor of Arts, Environmental Studies, City Planning Emphasis
University of California, Santa Barbara (1989)

  • Cultural and Historical Resource Impact Analyses
  • CEQA/NEPA Environmental Planning
  • Technical Writing and Editing
  • Contract Planning Agency Work
  • Specialties: Cultural resource management. Historic preservation planning and architectural history. Experience with Section 106 of the NHPA.
  • Graduate Degree in Urban and Regional Planning, along with Graduate-level architectural history courses, training, and experience qualifies under Architectural Historian under the Secretary of the Interior Standards for Professional Qualifications.