
Leann Taagepera specializes in projects relating to historical/cultural resources and has worked on a variety of projects and environmental documents. She also enjoys working with the public through outreach efforts and meetings. She has written and assisted in the preparation of numerous Environmental Impact Reports (EIRs), Environmental Impact Statements (EISs), Initial Studies (ISs), Mitigated Negative Declarations (MNDs), Environmental Assessments (EAs), and Mitigation Monitoring Status Reports (MMSRs). She has written cultural resource sections of environmental documents and conducted tribal representative outreach and consultation.

Ms. Taagepera has assumed leadership roles in professional organizations and is an accomplished public speaker. She was appointed by the Mayor of Benicia to a four-year term on the City’s Historic Preservation Review Commission. She sits on the Board of the Benicia Historical Society. She has spoken at various public meetings and has provided presentations to professional organizations. She provides a variety of services in preparation and review of environmental documents:

  • Environmental Document Cultural and Historical Resource Section Preparation;
  • CEQA/NEPA Analysis
  • Third-Party Review of CEQA and CEQA/NEPA documents;
  • Record Searches;
  • Tribal Consultation;
  • Mitigated Negative Declaration preparation;