
Leann Taagepera specializes in projects related to historical/cultural resources. She meets the Secretary of the Interior Standards for Professional Qualifications under Architectural History, through her graduate degree in Urban and Regional Planning and graduate-level architectural history courses. She holds an access agreement with the Northwest Information Center. She is currently working toward an M.A. in Cultural Resources Management, adding to her qualifications. She is currently completing her thesis regarding Traditional Cultural Properties, in the context of National Register eligibility.

Leann Taagepera has written and assisted in the preparation of numerous Environmental Impact Reports (EIRs), Environmental Impact Statements (EISs), Mitigated Negative Declarations (MNDs), Environmental Assessments (EAs), and Mitigation Monitoring Status Reports (MMSRs). She has also written Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act analyses. Please contact us if you are interested in our full list of project experience.

  • City of South San Francisco (2021 Project) – An Archaeological Resources Study letter report was prepared for a development project to determine whether any known archaeological sites exist on the project site and ascertain the probable likelihood of encountering any such sites during construction. The scope of work of this study is composed of the results of a records search for archaeological resources from the Northwest Information Center; a review of the geologic setting of the site; preparation of a brief regulatory setting section, determination of the site’s sensitivity for archaeological resources; and a recommendation of mitigation measures for the project.
  • Bay Conservation and Development Commission/Gaia (2020-2022 Project) – As a subconsultant, prepared the Cultural Resources and Tribal Cultural Resources section of a CEQA-equivalent document for a salt pond maintenance project. Completed records search at the Northwest Information Center and conducted tribal representative outreach.
  • U.S. Army Corps of Engineers/Hydroplan – As a subconsultant, prepared the cultural resources sections with a focus on shipwrecks of an EIR/EIS for the Redwood City Harbor Deepening Project and the San Francisco Bay to Stockton Navigation Improvement Project, a NEPA EA for the Crescent City Harbor Dredging Project, and a Baseline Conditions Report for the Noyo Harbor Dredging Project.
  • Christ Lutheran Church/California Environmental Services/Adanta Inc. – Biological Resources document sections – Prepared the Project Description and Regulatory Setting sections of a Biological Resources Constraints analysis for a proposed affordable housing project in Marin County.
  • Napa Valley Community Housing/Adanta Inc., EA – Prepared and assisted with preparation of a NEPA Environmental Assessment for an affordable housing project proposed in the City of Napa.
  • Burbank Housing/Adanta Inc. – Prepared a Section 106 analysis report per the National Historic Preservation Act for the rehabilitation of an affordable housing project in Santa Rosa.
  • East Bay Regional Parks District, Two EIRs – As the prime consultant, an EIR was prepared for the demolition of historic resources stored at Ardenwood Park. The Initial Study/Notice of Preparation, Draft EIR, and Final EIR were completed. Prepared an Administrative Draft Program EIR for the Black Diamond Mines Regional Preserve Project, including cultural and historical resource sections, based on technical reports. Both projects were competitively won and included subconsultants for specialty areas of air quality, noise, geology, biology, and traffic.
  • Town of Ross, Marin County/WRA Environmental Consultants, EIR Sections – Subsequent EIR sections prepared as a subconsultant for a residential development project. Sections completed: Aesthetics/Visual Impacts, Cultural Resources, Air Quality, Geology and Soils, and Noise. The Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program, Findings and Statement of Overriding Considerations will also be prepared.
  • Lake County/Christopher A. Joseph & Associates, EIR Sections – Aesthetics and Public Services sections of an EIR were prepared for a residential and resort development project.
  • City of Richmond/Douglas Herring & Associates, CEQA Alternatives Analysis – EIR section completed for the Honda Port of Entry expansion project.
  • City of Healdsburg/Christopher A. Joseph & Associates, EIR Sections – Cultural and Historic Resources, and Hydrology sections were prepared by Ms. Taagepera for an EIR for the City’s General Plan update.
  • Alameda County/Richard Grassetti Environmental Consulting, Initial Study/ Notice of Preparation and focused EIR – An IS/Notice of Preparation was prepared for a 10-unit duet residential project in the Hayward area of unincorporated Alameda County. A draft focused EIR was prepared for the project, primarily analyzing the issues of aesthetics and historical resources.
  • Administrative Office of the Courts/Tetra Tech EMI, Historical and Cultural Resources Section – EIR section completed for a new courthouse proposed in Stockton.
  • City of Richmond, Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration – As the prime consultant, an IS/MND was completed for a warehouse/office building. Four subconsultants were under contract for the issues of traffic, biology, air quality, hazards and hazardous materials, and geology. The Draft and Final IS/MND, mitigation monitoring plan were prepared, and all notices.
  • City of El Cerrito/Richard Grassetti Environmental Consulting, Initial Study/ Mitigated Negative Declaration – An IS/MND was completed for streetscape improvements to San Pablo Avenue.